I am a Professor of Law at Cornell Law School where I teach courses on inequality, public policy, law and political economy, constitutional law, and administrative law.

From 2021-2023 I served in the Biden Administration leading the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the President.

From 2018-2021, I served as the President of Demos, a think-and-do tank committed to advancing policy and social change on issues of racial justice, democracy, and inequality. I have previously been an Associate Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School, a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School, a Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, and a Fellow at New America.

Scroll down for more about my research and writing. 

I work on three main topics.

Our moral values shape the policies and systems that structure our politics and economics.  How should we understand core values like democracy, inclusion, equality, and freedom in the 21st century?  What are the implications for law, public policy, and public narrative?

How is the changing economy creating new forms of private power, social exclusion, and economic inequality? What does a 21st century inclusive economic policy agenda look like? I examine the law, policy, and history of these questions in areas like financial reform, technology and platform power, competition policy, and social policy,  

How can we improve the responsiveness and accountability of governing institutions? What would a more inclusive, empowered, participatory democratic process look like? I explore these questions in context of debates over regulatory reform, administrative law, and democracy at the city level. 

I write and speak about these issues in various places. 

I work with practitioners to design strategies for inclusive economies and democratic institutions.

Some more about me.